I make flash for you. Zombies are awesome.


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Sorry im on vacation in paris right now and the keyboards here are weird, i meant to say sammyfun just stop, hes not gonna add any of the stupid things you keep asking for, they have nothing to do with the story and wont fit in.

I wonder if the french enjoyed the auto-retreat feature in AW1?


I'm going to have to agree with Zero on this; if you want Oreo to ever release the game, let him do it his way.

Zombie-controlled vehicles??? The zombies are already a match for the human survivors of any faction. Throw in vehicles to make them travel FASTER?

... aliens? The Flood from HALO? Just leave the game ideas as it is; but if you MUST post a suggestion, try to make it realistic. What I mean by that is to add suggestions that might be feasible in a modern-day world with our current technology. Maybe something like a plasma rifle would be acceptable, since Oreo put in giant, bipedal mechs, but please; no aliens...

HEY YOU it's up to Oreo if he wants to add my suggestions so be quiet. You don't see me going that's stupid or just shut it ok.

They can fit in

Sammyfun shut the hell up you dumbshit. You can't even spell correctly.

Give it a break guys, and id like to add that AW 1 wasn't that hard, i've beaten the last level many times its all about how you use the rockets and the tank. The infantry are practically useless just use them to finish off any small zombie groups, but just use hit and run tactics until the mech arrives, then use nothing but the mech as its invincible as far as i know. Hopefully AW2 will be as challenging if not more then 1, it would be disappointing if it was a push over.

AW2 will be as challenging as the player makes it... Although getting the good ending will be very difficult.

So when is the game going to be released, hypothesis please.

For the last mission of Autumn War, I set all groups to await a vehicle except for one group on the top. I sent that group to draw in zombies towards them and used hit-and-run tactics.

For the group closest to the road, I commandeered that cheap, blue vehicle with the MG in the back. That helped draw the other incoming zombies down towards the roads. Since the cars on the road move faster than the zombies can advance, it's an infinite loop of hit-and-run skirmishes.

Once that kind of set-up is in place, just wait for the other guys to finish commandeering tanks/green jeeps to spread the defensive line instead of drawing all the zombies towards the road.

As for the mech, I once engaged a group of 30 zombies at, literally, point-blank range. So the battle started out at around 20-30 meters. For some reason, I lost a few men but all those zombies died in less than 5 seconds. After I engaged another group of zombies, the previous men that were lost were replenished; so the mech group in the first Autumn War was pretty much invincible.

Can't wait for it to come out! Also, Sammyfun, some of your ideas don't fit in but guys, you don't have to cuss him out. Anyways, don't keep asking him when he thanks he will release it! Also, cool video Oreo47.

PS: What editing software do you use Oreo47 {AW 1, AW2}

Photoshop, flash, poser, maya, soundforge, and a few others.

i agree with you on the shaolin spade, it would be useful in open space, but indoors i would prefer a machete...or mabe crowbar...shotgun if i had shells...hmmm i dont know, ill probably shit myself if i had to do CQC... but uh anyway lolz on the french auto retreat joke, made me crack up and World War Z is good, and there are people in it called the quistlings who just cracked up under the pressure and started acting moving and thinking like zombies, even though they were just fine, they mentally gave up, quote from the book Joe(a person who used to be part of the neighborhood watch): "The biggest problems were quislings." Interviewer: "Quislings?" Joe: "Yeah, you know the people that went nutballs and started acting like zombies." ... "Well, as I understand it, there's a type of person who just can't deal with a fight pr die situation. They're always drawn to what they're afraid of. Instead of resisting it, they want to please it, join it, try to be like it.... or like in regular war when people who are invaded sign up for the enemys army....I think the saddest thing about them is that they gave up so muck in the end lost anyway, cause even though we cant tell the difference between them, the real zombies can...eye witness accounts and even footage of one zombie attacking another. Stupid. It was zombies attacking quislings, but you never would have known that look at it. Quislings don't scream. They just lie there, not even trying to fight, writhing in that slow, robotic way, eaten alive by the very creatures they're trying to be." i skipped around a bit cuz some stuff was uneccesary. yea that is a weird idea for autumn war 3 or mabe 2 if u get around to it, or mabe for the mini game, (PLZ let there be a mini game with the old concept) yea so what u think O_o

i miss spelled or and ended up pr and same with much and muck

God sammyfun, how can you mispell words in english? A few from time to time is acceptable but every freaking word, what the hell does your school teach you? I speak, write, read, four languages and barely make mistakes. Whatever less competition for us smart ones :D

What are you talking about David414? I barely see that many spelling mistakes. Here tell me all the miss spelled words.

Oh yeah David really? Give the teasing a stop. Guys stop OK so I said some stuff that didn't fit.

P.S still no miss spelled words

well Oreo nice job I can barely think of things you should add.

Does that mean you'll stop talking now, sammy?

lolwut? No misspelled words? 6 years olds....... err, I mean "11" years olds.
Sammyfun, your mom's calling.

i thought you wanted respect or somthing like that sammy but seriously zombies vs humans zombies nearly win then BLAM aliens disinegrate them all

Guy you do know that Oreo's not here and quit piking on the younger kid


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