I make flash for you. Zombies are awesome.


lookin for work

Joined on 5/14/04

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Oh noes,Thats not good

Your baaaaaaaaaaaaaack yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!! When is goin 2 come out i cant wait any longer and i think 70 zombies will me a chalange for me but i can do am happy dat u didnt die lol


I'll be dropping the release date VERY soon...

It's a witch, looks a lot different than I expected.
Good to see your not dead though!

Or it might be the mutatint zombies i forgot the name xemos or sometin lol

Oh, you WILL know the xeno when you see 'em.

yeah would there be lightsabeer and sword to come up with.

LOL haaahaaa.
OMG there's a witch in that picture.
I got question:

1) Could you put AUG Steyr(rifle), M4A1, M16A1, AK-47(put it seperate to the semi-rifle, AWM (sniper long), FNSCAR, and make pistol like: P22P, COLT18, and USP?

2) How many mission were there?

3) How about do the sqaud reload guns, for real?

4) Do you think AW2 would open in Wednesday October One or something else?

5) P.S. WOOO stand for Wednesday October One Opens right or wrong?

1) There are a couple new guns goin in, but Im not going to run the list again

2) More.

3) Nope, but they can run out of ammo.

4-5) haaaaaa....


looks cool so is that an artillery barrage?

Yep, and charging though em is a real treat, too.

IS that a witch in the 3rd picture? How have you been? What does it take to kill 70 zombies, and how much lag is there in the game on high quality?

1) Yep

2) Mourning my 360, so kinda bummed.

3) 70+ bullets

4) quite a bit, but I'm putting alot of work into making low quality look good.

good to see you back and the witches look like a humans anyaways hi



sorry, just had to make the spam a little more intelligent than Joe.

This promises to be a very entertaining game Oreo. I'm really looking forward to it

Joe145, stop fucking posting please for the love of all that is fucking holy, stop.
You're spamming the shit out of this page, and how the hell do you know this game comes out. Stop posting weapons, he's only gonna put in weapons like assault rifle, rifle, and pistol. He's not putting in specific models. He can't respond to you if you're spamming like fucking crazy, he said it slows him down. So stfu, and gtfo.

Right on sub-zero can we use bomb runs in the same time as using the artillery to kill more zombies?

yep, and you can have multiple squads firing on the same unit, not to mention attack choppers and all that noise.

he taking time, so WTH.

wait is this the graphics on high if so wow not really what I expected please tell me it's not sorry I had to say that.

Sort of: The game uses dynamic settings, so when its running something really big (like 70 zombs), it switches down to a lower graphics setting automatically, so the screen shot is more what the game looks like in medium quality.

horray!!! it's coming out sooon!!! anywho...vector to rhasterfarian (what the hell is this thing?) whats the difference?

vector = flash based graphics
rhaster = pixels

A bit of an obscure joke... but yea, bitmaps look better, and run smoother (but take up way more space).

what about the warranty for the Xbox and call tech support

It probably just needs cleaning out (overheats every 10 mins). I just can't be bothered till GOW2.

How soon oreo? 3 days?

not quite that soon, but the release date will be in my next post.

Sorry lol, I use to jump over words when Im tired, anyways, the question was "can you show how 200 zombies gonna look like? Ohh, and is the daytime gonna change? I mean, will there be any "morning-noon-evening-night" time line?

Yep, im still working on getting the zombies look good and have the game run smooth when it's 100+... I have a solution, but im working on the witches animations at the moment.

Im probably going to do the time of day thing... although there is one little glitch thats keeping it from working properly.

Nice to see that you're still among the living. Are there going to be different types of artillery(Heavy, Light,etc.), or just one?

Im planning on putting in rockets, mortars and orbital artillery, but the first campaign will only have the howitzers.

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