will there be scenarios where u have to do splinter cell stuff i ?
i love splinter cell o yeah the conviction should be coming out this year sometime and come on u put futuristic weapons such as lightsabers its not star-wars its zombie-wars + advance wars style
since u have artillery does the accuracy decrease in thick forest or do trees fall down on unsuspecting zombies and same with building rubble ? also u know u based ure raiders on the orks from warhammer do they make funny puns ?
does evry nation have a super unit apart from with hunter and witch ?
will there be in-game cutscenes or mid mission ?
is most of the game based on mission completion or economy wise ?
u know the soldier at the top has a gogle ojn his eyes what is that for ?
Artillery looses accuracy against moving targets.
The raiders consist largely of mercs and ex-military, so they sound the same as military. If a little more crude at times...
The chapters will be mission completion, AW2 will be all about the economy.