I make flash for you. Zombies are awesome.


lookin for work

Joined on 5/14/04

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A. I don't know.
B. You haven't answered my question.
No, it was not a pun. How is it a pun? I was just asking a question, with no pun in it, or even the allusion of a pun.

well will isn't a xeno, he's just a human with some witch powers from helping one, and his men probably will turn on him after the zombies are killed, and last i checked i think that nuke was out of range of any characters.

Alright guys I guess I'm still in the roleplay. How about we just throw the me and Will fighting thing for now in the trash. Also this thing seems pointless so yeah.
Anyway back to the story.

Will gives Sammy a smirk. Both charge, only to be interupted by large mental disturbence. Both turn thier heads and see a giant SUPER WITCH....

((o.o giant witch!!!!!!!!!!))

*looks up at the super witch...giant? he grins and backs up a bit, moving into a shadow and disapearing, his voice echoing in the air as he vanishes in the shadows*
I think i might sit this one out....
*he let out a light cackle*

((and yes sammy i'm fine with the smirk and charge thing, cause i did type in smirking and charging is believable and doesn't really have too much of an impact ^_^ so don't worry about that :D and welcome back))

Through the binoculars Mark some the gigantic shitstorm of the battle, in the safety of the hill and could a witch.
"This is no time for heroics, but, ah, fuck it!"
Unfortunaly, he was a dumbass, and lobbed a flash bang from his grenade laucher.

"chhange in plan we spoted a giant super witch....it may be the sorce of all this chaos" -presses the launch nuke button- its over

new report. wtf is with all the nukes we cant get half a decent report from 90% approx and weve not finished analysis. thank god for our location. we are sending out several patrols to recon and maybe even secure some areas of the former nations, 13th sas out.

((ok i'm going to argue with that nuke, because there's main characters in the immediate vicinity of the witch))

Mark heard crackling from his radio
"Hello, is anybody there, anybody?
Ah, Goddammit!"He switched off the radio and walked down from the hill. As he arrived down, he crouched down into a rock, trying to figure out how to escape. Survival was the only thing on his mind, since he was nothing more than a civillian with military training. Mark crawled through a scrubby area, and heard voices on the radio again, but there was no answer. He decided to broadcast for help and out of frustration.
"Hello, is there anybody there? This is a message from Second lieutenant Mark Greavesford, 1st Battalion, Parachute regiment. I am currently at the base of a hill, somewhere in the Nevada Desert. I will require some assistance, that is all, no rescue, just a couple of supplies. Anybody out there?

Suddenly, the right-hand witch grew. Black energy wrapping and fusing around it until it stood nearly 20 feet tall. The human who did favor for a witch and was rewarded with magical animal limbs (can will please have a shorter description:)
faded into the air, leaving a bewildered squad of spec-ops below.

What was he supposed to do against THAT? The witch immediately began its attack on the team. pounding on their minds while it swept the field with telekinetic walls. Four men were crushed or thrown, battered lifeless against the ground. Nysiob started to run. One soldier bravely jumped onto the witch, placing his gun against it and firing, but nothing happened. The witch looked at him and the gun was wrenched from his hands. The man stared helplessly for a moment before he was impaled on the invisible tentacle.

The witch smiled, he would make a fine addition. bringing the corpse close, her hand stretched towards the face, she didn't notice the gap in her perception...
a horrified onlooker?
nothing could...
Krakok! the forefinger left the creature's hand. Dropping the fallen soldier the witch cried in pain. She turned to find a lone warrior standing, impervious to the mind-blasts that sheared into nothing on contact. His rifle leveled, ready to...
KraKraKrakok! The witch managed to deflect two rounds, the third slammed into her shoulder. She almost hit the ground. they were different, like...
One of her Xeno packs had answered her pain, charging towards the figure.

Something was wrong... How had she not seen him? how had she not stopped the bullet. She could deflect thousands at a time!

At the sight of the witch reeling back, Nysiob felt God's presence like never before. He turned to face the Xenos, "His will be done"...

And yes, darklink is the "rocket whore"
case in point: he just tried to nuke us again.

The terrorist smiled, someone had tried to use another missile silo.
He knew it wasn't a waste of time to download that virus!
The launcher had no way of knowing that he was locked as the target, the readout was now just a superficial panel.

The super witch had been attacked on all sides, by almost every single weapon there was. Most did little to affect the witch, Will had left him but Sammy didn't care he understood his reason. He understood why he left he knew the fear, he knew the death, he knew what some would do to avoid it, he knew for some it was the only challenge. WHOOSH he directed a large telekinesis attack at the super witch. The witch quickly turned around startled began to search wildly for the source of the attack. After a minute it spotted Sammy its eyes opened wide with excitement. "Ah my child come, come on lets us rid the world of them and togther we shall rule" spoke the super witch. Sammy this time launched a large ball of white hot energy, it hit the witch in the chest. The witch surprised by the sudden attack staggered back and gave a huge bloodcurdling roar. "Let that be my answer" yelled Sammy defiantly.
"So be it"
With that the witch raised its left arm and soon thousands of infected came rushing apoun Sammy. Sammy slashed and mind blasted the zombies and soon he managed to kill them all. Sammy turned to look at the witch but she had disapeared. "Where the hell is she" Sammy muttered to himself.
Sammy turned back just in time to see a large fist come towards his face. BAM Sammy flew inthe air. BAM the witch punched him again the she grabed his neck and began to punch Sammy repededly in his midsection. Sammy using all his sterenth managed to free himself grab her head and thrust his head to her. Locking them both to a deadly mind duel.......

P.S. I'm back, also sorry Commander for having a mental break down

Where did my fight go?
Oh, so Sammy attacked her while I was distracted by Xenos?

Nysiob wrestled out from under the corpses of the last two Xenos. He tac rolled, retrieved Seda, which had fallen a few feet away, and reoriented. His S&W was now a twisted chunk of metal clutched in the Alpha's jaws, and his ribs pulsed with pain, at least three breaks. His right shoulder was badly scored, cut to ribbons by the wolf-like teeth, and his left hand had been pierced by a harpy's beak.

All the enemies around him lay dead. He looked to the two witches. A flash of light and he shielded his eyes... hlight shone through the hole in his hand.

He looked again... they were locked together. This WITCH was the Promised...
Torn, exhausted and beaten half to death, Nysiob saw his chance to end it...
He had never felt more alive...

*Will reappeared behind the witch, saber in hand, he smirked and dark energy surrounded his blade, transforming the blade into a larger broadsword. he walked behind the Witch and lunged his blade forward, impaling the witch and lifting it into the air, leaving it vulnerable to Sammy's mind attacks, he laughed as he raised her into the air, despite this, the witch was still alive, screeching wildly as its form shrunk down into human size and struggled desperately to escape the blade, Nysiob has his chance now to finish the witch* (So don't finish her sammy ^_^ nysiob already called dibs :D)

No ammo, Th witch was helpless, he flipped out his knife, the silver runes burning white now that they neared the goal. He sprang. With a last burst of strength the witch snapped Will's sword, caught Nysiob's knife hand. A burst of dark energy threw Will back into the air. Sammy broke off his attack, overwhelmed by the assault from the twin's mind. She twisted Nysiobs wrist, forcing him to a crouch. When she spoke, it was the echoing voice of the Other. "Fool! Did you think I had Left?" Nysiob felt himself losing control... The same force Oreo had fought tearing at his mind. His grip on the knife loosened, he felt himself slipping away...
Then he saw something...
It gave him strength...
His eyes snapped open to the Witch's shocked features!
He thrust with supperhuman strength. The knife buried itself in the blackened heart. Slowly, the unseen force ebbed from his mind, the witch stopped flying, she stood, bewildered, then crumpled.

Around them, the face of the battle changed, fog lifted, lightning flashed from black and red to blue and white. Xenos howled and fled, the zombies changed, where they had been throwing survivors through the air, leaping a dozen feet at a bound, they paused.

First she had shown him doubt, quelled resistance with images, a family... dead, a squad... slaughtered, Riker with the witch, her holding up a snake... Riker putting it on his... ughXD, but his faith didn't falter, not this time. He had fought, and he had seen...

that AW2 was finally 90.001% done!
Yes! That was the plot!

((lawl, that would make a good ending XD))

*grunted as he flew back, his sword snapped in half. He growls softly*

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