I make flash for you. Zombies are awesome.


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And now, to all those people who doubted that Oreo47 would ever finish this, you can all look and see for yourselves.

As for this picture, the soldier is missing pupils and reminds me of Scorpion or Sub-Zero from mortal combat :D. Anyways, keep up the great work, Oreo!

Yea, the pupils are there, but you can only see them when the camera zooms in to a talking soldier. I tried giving everyone big pupils, but that made the soldiers cute... Not what im goin for.

Can't wait

Just wondering will the sequel feature hero-like characters? A example of one would the giant mech-thing at the last mission. Oh and will it also have a story with recurring characters? (The first one didn't really have much to story except the missions)

Yes, there will be a few hero units. You have a main character, who's name, gender, face and hair can be customized, and you will face a couple rather epic enemies. There are a few support characters, but they are mostly for between mission things. The story and missions change depending on what missions you do and how you do them.

any new weapons your planning to reveal?

Infantry: Sniper rifle, Saber/pistol combo, Flamethrower
Support: Artillery, Air Support, Tanks, Humvees, APCs

Not many new weapons, but all the existing weapons have some new animations.

How much weapons are you gonna put in that new game

He just listed the weapons out in the post before yours. Start counting and you'll find out the answer to your question. -.-

A better question would be, "What about the zombies?"

In the previous Autumn War, zombies could be killed 30 at a time by a tank and RPG team. If you're adding more weapons to the human arsenal, what balances are being made to ensure that the zombies would not become doormats that we can easily walk all over?

Out in the open, a group of 30 zombies doesn't stand much of a chance against a ready and waiting fire team; With sniper rifles you can start picking them off a kilometer away. However, at night, you can only see half that far, and in cover, you can only spot zombies about 100 meters away or so.

In some missions, you may only have a single squad, and must use cover to sneak through zombie infested areas, In others, you will have thousands of zombies coming at you, and will need artillery support and tanks just to slow them down.

You will also be fighting other humans, and they are far more dangerous then zombies.

Lol i cant wait 4 it to get out autumn war 2, an there will be another games of autumn war or thats the last game?
Oh, and also could u put like ctys to explore and some kind of quests?
And i hope the game is awsome (wich i think it´ll be)and keep it up!

Yep, there are quests. No real exploring, although you can investigate any distress calls or sorties that you are aware of.

Ill make autumn war 3, but it wont be for a while. AW2 is taking WAY longer then i thought it would.

OK, so in the previous Autumn War, 30 zombies out in the open was a challenge, but now a group of 30 is certain dead-meat. Now we're facing possibly thousands of zombies and we need tanks and artillery just to SLOW them down.

My next question is about management. Is there a base-building component of this game or will the mechanics be like the previous game? That is, where you had to hold the line and advance yours to the enemy lines? Also, how do you plan on incorporating a thousand or so zombies on the battlefield?

I also find the promise of fighting other humans very interesting, as they will possess the same capabilities you do. The stealth missions will no doubt be a chore, however, but I was never a fan of the sneaking approach.

I look forward to this game. Is there possibly a set date for the Autumn War 2 trailer or the game? I don't want to rush you. You should finish this whenever you see fit.

You start the game as a single stranded squad led by your character, and as you progress you will aquire various assets, which you mostly get through completing objectives.

An example: a town is under siege from the zombies. The military may need a bridge taken out to slow the zombies, and buy them time to evacuate, and will give your squad a vehicle to take it out, or give you command of a helicopter. Take out the bridge, your men can have access to the armory/hospital and gain the military confidence. If you fail, then you lose the military's confidence, and will have to join some military squads in skirmishing the hoard at night. You will do missions that will eventually earn you squads, weapons, vehicles and air/fire support.

There are a few mission sets and a few factions, who will sometimes give you conflicting orders. Say the church wants a witch (zombie type) dead, but the military wants it alive for research. You can send in one sniper team by helicopter at night to hunt it down, or send a few mounted infantry squads in to isolate and capture it. You can try sniping it, fail, and send in another team, or consider the other option, or just let it go.

Im going to go to an internet cafe and upload the trailer on the 20th. Screen shots don't do this game justice, which reminds me what its just about time for...

Wow, I'm hearing a lot of great things about this game. Not only do you have progressive progress, meaning that what you earn in the last mission builds up to the current, but that there are also consequences and choices that make this game into a "Zombie Choose-Your-Own-Adventure". Throw in the thousands of zombies and the desperate battle for humanity mood in and I think you're writing an epic.

And now, I have another question. :P

Games in the past, great games such as Call of Duty 4 and Star Wars: Clone Commandos, have all received positive reviews from critics and fans alike, but those games were all faulted for being entirely too short. Now I know you're trying to add in something new with the options in the missions, but if that decreases the play length of the game, it may detract from the overall experience. What I'm asking is, "Do you believe in giving a stunning, yet brief performance in the sequel to Autumn War? Or do you prefer to give a lengthy, yet less awe-inspiring game?"

I'm trying to make autumn war 2 visually stunning in the same way that 'gears of war' was, but also like 'advance wars' in that you can play skirmish mode for hours without feeling like its a repetitive experience.

People don't play a flash game expecting it to be Gears of War, because the software isn't setup to handle that and neither are our computers. Try going for the gameplay, instead. I'm all for good graphics, but if I have to turn down the Graphics to Low just to get a decent frame rate, that won't help your game.

You mentioned the Advance Wars game. Curious, does that mean that Autumn War 2 will not be turn-based as opposed to the real-time, although you can pause, strategy game we saw in the original Autumn War? And while we're talking about skirmish mode in Advance Wars, will there be a skirmish mode for Autumn War 2? This is all pure speculation on my part.

If Autumn War 2 is as big a hit as I expect it to be, then you should consider marketing this. :P

The game can be played in no texture setting, which makes it look like autumn war 1, and lets it run smooth, but if you have more then 2ghz and a gig of ram, then you can play it in full detail, like in the screen shots.

You can speed up time (infantry and vehicles in forests move REAL slow) or pause so that you can give proper orders.

There will be a skirmish mode, which is very necessary in a game like this.

will there be an option that u will play as zombies or some other team other than the military

You can play as rebels, military, religeous fundementalist (church faction), or neutral mercinary. There is one other but is suPREISE idRUNK

i Know it will take longer but wouldnt it make it more fun if u got to play as the zombie side. Because its not always that fun playing only on one side for the whole game. You should also add less defense missions they are too hard half of the time.

I *might* include that. I have all the gameplay worked out for it. But I would have to program it, which could take weeks. If i find some why just to throw it in, then I will do so.

I forgot to mention that it would also be better if u got to choose the weapons peope in your team like one person in a troop has a rocket launcher and the others have sniper rifles

Yea, I got that covered.

Could you merge to different armies? I don't know if you could in the first one, But say if you had A small handgun squad and A small machine gun squad, Could you merge them into A medium handgun/Machine gun squad?

i think what would be good for the main character would be abilitys like throw grenade or something to boost your men. you could then acess them during combat, or even during non-combat! and maybe youd get points after missions to get more ability. and even maybe putting your hero in a vehicle!

i dont want to slow you down or anything, I just want to help by giving ideas. your call.

When the game comes out?

will there be abandon/save the injured command

it can take all the time in the world just as long as its very very very sooooooon!!!!!!

so how much longer do u think it'll be till the games finished?

Found a bug.. I was shooting at teh start of the game, no more ammo, cant reload.. happen 2 me twice already.

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