I make flash for you. Zombies are awesome.


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Tan lines and Tree Lines

Posted by Oreo47 - July 25th, 2008

Okay, no tan lines, but when I hear 'tan lines', I usually say 'go on...', and that is what i'm goin for. Anywho, as you can see, I have re-sampled the treeline in the background, to add depth and junk. There is also a pic of the strategy map, which is where you will be giving orders and stuff. You can play the entire game from the strategy screen if you want (great for speeding up slower engagments). And you can fast forward, as the map is upto 30x30 kms, and infantry only march like 5 km/hr. You can see where helicopters and artillery will come in REAL handy...

Tan lines and Tree Lines


Trees look alot better,And a stratigic map would help alot!

Very nice, looks like its coming along really nice.

can you give me a list of what anmals can become undead i know about werewolf is there any other and will there be rocket jeaps would the nextgen get robots and is a super weapon like a mech and maybe a giant plane that shoots nukes and what will you have to buy with money and will there be more then 1 mech i told you i was a chatter box sry for big comment its just this game is gonna be great and what does beta mean

Im still working on the classes of xenos.
Yes, there will be AT mount for vehicles (still doing the graphic on that, though)
uhh... yes, sort of, most things, mechs are VERY expensive to produce and maintain.

I'm glad to see the arrows made it into the sequel, it wouldn't be Autumn war without the arrows.

Really nice.I can't wait for it to come out!

The strtegy map looks so cool! P.s. Add trenches and electric fences to the game and on the map.

troops will be able to 'dig in', which gives them good cover, even out in the open. They can't move, or the lose the defensive bonus. Im not sure about fences, though...

Oh and save your current game on a backup disk we don't want it to get erased by some virus.


Awesome wait is it 3 pictures or just one

3, but of the same situation.

Can you name your squads in the game? It'd make it a bit easier.

They have names alpha, bravo, charlie, etc, but you can change them to whatever you want. In battles, your men will inform you of casualties, even if it's from other squads. 'bravo two is down!' and all that.

does the battle field maps look like that?


what does the yellow arrow from the middle pics stand for and also red?

Yellow are hostile, big yellow is enemy position with no intel. Red are your men. Im going to change the colors, so that it makes more sense.

would you put jets that drop bomb to the ground?


i cant wait when it come out.

I suggest that you should stop posting screenshots of the game (because they are spoilers and I can't unsee them!) and instead just make posts with words. Easier for you (not having to take pictures) and less unseeing (lol) for us to do.

Im not going to show any of the main characters or story moments, only general battles.

lets stooooooooooooooop talking (except for you oreo47)
causes him (oreo47) tooooo many spaming
chat twice a week right?
you could put many post
this cause everybody to argue.
when you post the next lets chat less.

ok noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo replies (except for oreo47)

awesome but there 3 pictures and it's kinda hard to see the middle map and Joey 145 stop spamming

hey cool pics. so questions ill try and put them all in one comment
1)in the picture i think thats a villiage.. is it possible to hide like cowards in there and put blockades and just slaughter the zombies?
2)if it is a village can you buy weapons/reqruits there?
3)are there going to be cheats?

1) Zombies can take ALOT of ammo to take down, so if you have enough $$$ for that, then... good for you.
2) If it's inhabated and will let you in.
3) Perhaps...

and i fought i was annoying and if you asked to team up with the witch would she change you into a zombie or something and can the church faction get bouses if there near a chuch like angels

smiley119,orman,and robrules stoooooooop chating.

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