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The trailer was put together in like 5 mins... Im too busy enjoying the game to put any more effort into that...
It's been finished for a few weeks now, but for some reason the sponsors aren't responding... I am just a *little* annoyed with this, as I can't post the game it's self till I have a sponsor for it. If I can't find a sponsor, then I will have to shelf survivor, which would SUCK, as then no one gets to play it.
If you liked playing as HUNK from RE:4, then this game is for you...
Does anyone know about NG sponsorships? Or any sponsors that RESPOND to emails? Any help will get AW:S out that much sooner.
But i dont know anything about the sponsorship dude.
Cant wait, hows AW2 coming?
It's goin good; the zombie animations from survivor are what will be in AW2, that and the foliage.