I make flash for you. Zombies are awesome.


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AW2 SCREENSHOTS!!! sorry no trailer... YET...

Posted by Oreo47 - January 21st, 2010

Phew, Autumn War: Survivor placed 10th in that whole stride contest thing, and it was a helluva fight. All thanks to your support. And me. But also your support! Sponsor finally got back to me to, so it all worked out in the end.

Anywho, I have been screwing around with mode7 (mario kart engine) for a few weeks now, and decided it's the way to go. I still need to sex it up so that camera shake and all that work, but with draw distances that go out into next week and the option to put in hundreds blur filters and such... well, the screenshots speak for them selves.

Oh, and it runs smoother than survivor, and half the load time. Plus a bunch of other stuff. Is that an AC-130 up there? what? really? get OUT.

Trailer coming just as soon as i can figure out how to make the camera go up and down... Much harder than it sounds...

"Well that was a disaster. Let's run it again~"

(modern warfare 2 FTW)

AW2 SCREENSHOTS!!! sorry no trailer... YET...


so what happens to the previous autumn war stuff that you posted? and is it going to be entirely different from what we saw from before?

The game is the same, it will just run smoother and look nicer...


This means you're close right? if so, REBUILD THE TEMPLE OF OREO!!!!!!! If not, WHY, GOD WHY?!?! jk but seriously have it be the former option for the sake of our collective sanities.

coolz are reason to keep liveing

just one thing before i come back form my one week vacation add ac 130 air support or cobra air support or any type of airsuppoort thx! i will be back after 3 more days! from my one week holiday add famas too and la85

abd please add 15 men in each squad thx! i will be back at monday but i will extend my vacation another 4 more days so i will be back next week at saturday! oreo dont forget to add trailer ok! thx! and it msut comeout!

add some buildings liek barrracks and wwat troops u want to trecruit liek spec ops and that fsorry for triple posting i will be back in another week next week! thx! pls dont talk about me or i wil spammore thx! lollololol!

STOP IT, RIKER! oreo does what he wants, taking in requests will make it unfair to the rest of us, not to mention probably make it take another YEAR to finish it.

sorry guys if i was swearing and all that stuff so pls can u forgive me? pls i will try comment less. thx! oreo dont accept my ideas keep working dont add in the ideas i told u sorry guys i hope u forgive me

Riker really we went over this HE IS NOT ADDING ANYTHING ELSE! not to mention 4 posts in a row! Think about what you want to type spell correctley (or atleast try) and for gods sake STOP SAYING I PROMISE TO SHUT UP because YOUR NOT

jus tforgive me i wont spam anymore promise i swear!


Sorry for double post but just thought of this: what are hundreds blur filters? and is it just me or do you go away a lot faster than you used to? Also, if you're having trouble deciding on engines, would it be too difficult to release open (or closed) betas of multiple engines and have us vote? Thx!

I think I like the previous one better. This one makes it look way too happy. Kinda like a Disney movie. What about the splatter cam.

Sorry for double posting but is there times of day in Autumn war 2.

WOW man this shit looks awesome!I joined here just to support you!I have a question for you:WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO FINISH IT?!! you keep saying its 90% complete but you never complete it.GIVE US a DATE!NOW!

hey soap, welcome to the party :P well, he was 90% done a LONG time ago when he was using the autumn war 1 engine, than he was using autmn war 2 and thus he had to start over, now he's using a brand new engine but looks like he easily got all of his old parts together for it. so yeah, no date yet.

also, oreo, i'd like it if you could answer my questions from the last update, i'll copy and paste them in another post :3 good work man

copy and pasted:

will there be packs of lupine xenos?

how would a squad of next gen elite with chainsaws stand up against a greater wolf xeno in the open plains during the day or night? in the woods? would a pack of 5 greater xenos be the biggest threat since 9/11?
what if a xeno consumed the flesh of all possible animal types and the flesh of all the most elder witches, would this mean Armageddon? or just a battle that would need to pool a large ammount of resources into? because i remember you saying xenos can consume witch flesh, and that in itself has bad effects, but what if it devoured all of the most powerful witches, that would mean it would have the best strategies for any situation, extreme powers, and would be flying, running, and would probably be able to stop artillery in midair.

also, how does a witch hunter stand a chance against a witch, which is a supernatural being that can toss a tank aside with relative ease and stop bullets. when the witch hunter, from what you said, will get overwhelmed after 10 zombies and than detonate. the strength comparison doesn't make too much sense here. a witch can control the weather, which probably means expect fog and rain from weak ones, and tornados from stronger ones ._. last i checked ten zombies and an explosion doesn't equal up to tank tossing and tornados. does the witch hunter have some way of negating the effects of a witch's power?

Also, the zombie idea you have said, how they take on the characteristics of what they eat, it sounds oh so familiar to an odd little race in warhammer 40k called the kroot. yes, kroot take on characteristics of what they eat, and their sergeants tell them what they can and cannot eat, if he wants them much stronger than he'll have them eat ork flesh, if he wants them to fly than they eat avian flesh....dear god, a kroot squad that's eaten the flesh from a fallen bio-titan xD scary thought. did you by chance get the inspiration for the zombies from the kroot?

I hated the group movement system in AW1. Are you going to revamp that? Maybe a zone grid with turn-based movement like advance wars. That way you could also know where you would be retreating and set up traps.

Hell, if you make a good enough system, you may some day be able to drop the zombies all together and go with real combat. Something like a realistic advance wars/aw hybrid. that would kick ass.

yay AC-130 fuck all you zombies :P looks awsome cant wait to be able to play it but is survivor even out i havent seen it online yet :(

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