I make flash for you. Zombies are awesome.


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Hey i see you suscribed to me on youtube. thank you. anyway the aw2 ghost-type next gen soldier looks amazing. Just a bit of a sugestion. could you make the next gen soilder be just a wee' bit more diffrent from the military. like for example put gloves on or a full length shirt to make it seem a little more scary or darker (kinda like that cod4 level when your the british and you raid that ship, all the british commando guys were very dark and hard to see because of their helmets and and tack gear and mask and well you know the rest , that kinda thing.)

I cannot change anything except headgear for the first campaign. For AW2, all global animations will be object based (last stand style), which will mean different/customizable clothing and gear. The hood/gasmask combo above is from that bit in COD4. I decided that it was going in after I beat the airplane level in veteran...

Sweet Pic but, whats with the cursor thingy and was the autumn war trailer just in game playing or just a movie?

The screenshot was taken while I was testing the sniper-spotter team. The view is through the binoculars of a spotter. When you recon an enemy squad, their units and weapons come up in the HUD as though they were your troops. If you have snipers in your team, then you can specify a target for your snipers, and they will be able to hit them, even if the target is in the rear rank. The sniper must be on front rank to snipe, so unless its an assassination, you only want to snipe an enemy already shooting at some other squad. The recon HUD is still being worked on, so I only showed the top half of the screen.
The trailer was made from clips of gameplay, but they were mixed and cut to keep pace with that perticuar music.

can yo u make a special leader system like the leader will have a red badge thing on his arms and the lutenit will have a yellow 1 etc etc
and the higher there rank the more moral they spread?

Depends on the faction. You will be able to spot officers, as they will be wearing berrets or caps. Officers give morale boosts, and other bonuses.

Ehm seince you didnt answer the other page im asking again...
Will the mech units make a comeback and what do you have to do to get in the beta? is worshiping you like a god enought? :P

Each army will have at least one super unit. The mech is getting a makeover, however.

I'll be doing the beta in a month or so, and anyone that wants in is allowed. I'll put a link in an update when it's ready to go.

So...... since you said that the trailer was gameplay video i am very impressed with the fact you've always to make the soldiers look 100% human. And have you tried vector graphics? :)

The soldiers are in vector, which is handy, because the camera can zoom right in to see the expression on their faces.

I just have to say this....... Yeaaaaaaayyyyy :P
But realy just post the link here so only the people who visits here reguarly can see it......... otherwise you will have a bunch of kids ocmplaining n wining........

i cant wait to see the rebel superunit...... Ny spoilers?

Yea, I'll be posting the link here.

I don't have the rebels super unit done up yet, but i can give you a hint: You can fit ALOT of guns on to a bus if you chop the roof off. You can even fit a howitzer...

Also are those nextgen like a squad of those church assasins? (or whatever they were called)

No, they are more like the CIA on meth. Stratigey wise they are pretty much like the army, except they don't give a rats ass about civilians or colladeral damage. In AW2 they will function as the army elite (one step up from special forces).

So what unit is that? Also, since you didn't see my message in your last entry (due to the spam in there I guess) I'll just put this again.

"Looks like you have spam on your hands...well, will your character have "upgrades?" for example, you said he could be called a saint in the church faction, could he "change" classes in a sense? It would be fun to see what changes your character can have.

Especially if he/she could become a Psycophage-ish character..."

Whoops, didn't see the comment up there, never mind it, except the hero thing.

Your character (in AW2) is completly customizable; you can be a combat type, and hire your self out to whoever needs some muscle. You can be a mercant type, and move commonities (although raiders just LOVE ambushing convoys), you can be a leader type, and bring glory to whatever town or cause you chose, etc.
You can gain some skills from factions (even some from the undead), so you will have to play through a few times to really say you beat it.

Battlebusses? Ahhh Generals deja-vu... nice concept. (they will be reenforced right)

well this is going to be awesome and i think this whole year i spent checking your page 3-7 times aweek finaly paid of :P Well have any XBL gamertag yet?

Generals? Thats C&C right? I haven't been in to that since red alert. I studied under one of the designers of that game when I was at the arts institute. Anthony something. The bus will be like a super heavy transport (can carry up to 30 plus crew). Its only weakness is that it can ONLY travel on roads. A heavy battle tank or tactical artillery strike can destroy it.

How many missions will there be? And how long time do you think it will take to complete the game first time (if you sit in front of the computer all the time) ?

AW2 will play more like rome:total war. Missions are yours to take or leave. The campaigns will have about 10 story missions, with many opportunity missions. It will take at least a few hours to play though each campaign, but I will put in awards.
The awards will be quite small, like concept art and stuff, but you will have to get though without alerts, taking out all NextGens, etc.

like ur nunchucks lol, aw2 looks like its coming along nice.

anyway, remember, im ur main man for the beta right? hehehe *hits ur shoulder*
remeber hadymaber@yahoo.com

I'll probs forget to email you, but the update with the beta will be hard to miss.

by the badges i ment only on like military uniforms

oh can you make it so like raiders can like STEEL uniforms from bodys but they dont give the morale boost of the badge (if u add it)

oh and 1 more thing

can you have a special unit for every faction like the pic u posted can be the militarys and the raiders special unit could be like a marauder they killl the dying and steel ALL there stuff helms,armor,guns etc

Raiders will be able to disguise squads with fallen soldiers equipment. This is important, because raiders only way of dealing with heavy tanks is with demo charges, and getting close to a tank during battle is nearly impossible. Sneaking in to an enemy base and taking them out while they are in the hangar is the best way to take em out. Although you will have to get to the tank without alerts, and getting your men out will be tough, too.

Suggestion! Can you make the wheels of the tanks rotate? It'll look cooler and more realistic. And also, earthquakes! you mentionned that we will engage thousands of zombies at a time so when they're in big numbers and charging crazily make the earth shake a little. More realism. Add cooler zombie screaming sounds. And when our guys get fucked by zombies make our guys scream like crazy, it'll be funny! :*O And remember, add the cool titles I suggested earlier; Desperate offensive, last regard, defensive situation, desperate situation, armored blockade etc. cool names, be creative! Make it so that we can sort of see the bullets flying around. Pweaz?(please) Oh and is the map going to be like the one in AW1? With the red arrows and green ones? Oh and grenade, airstrikes, mines, bear traps, rockets, nunchucks? o-O lol spikes, dogs which we can send to attack zombies. Zombie dogs. Oh and what happened to the sexy thing you mentionned about?

The tanks treads, and wheels on vehicles are fully animated. There will be some rumbling when dealing with epic squads, but no full blown earthquakes. Most of your other suggestions will be going in, too. Most of em...

don't you know the number of missions is unknowable because if your chooper gets shot down you have a mission jeeeeees guys remember the early posts come on anyway battle buses thats sooo like comand and conquer generals nice soldier can't wait we now a lot like you can build sam-sites, towers, and sabotage all at the same time will the map be like aw1 I don't think so with all the sniping and stuff well bye

The map system is alot more detailed, and you can handle battles without going in the battle screen. This allows you to focus on the whole battle, or a particular skirmish (unlike most strategy games, where you can only see a fraction of the battle at any given time).

Man i hope this autumn war will be slightly easier than the previous one
PS. keep up the good work and one other question why do they pay you so little no-matter how awesome you make it you really deserve more than $1000 since you've already put in so much time into it


Now that the game keeps going, even if your retreat all your men, it will be ALOT easier. And yes, I do deserve more then $1000 dollars... $1002.65 more like it!

yea that was from generals....... i just never could stop myself from loading several upp with suicide bombers and rush the enemy (or rocket troops).

Nope you deserve more than a million :P

Im not sure about suicide bombers, but yea, the battle bus can be loaded with whatever.

lets all donate 1 Euro/Dollar :P

Ok, but no US dollars; they aren't worth ANYTHING up here in glorious Canada.

Hi,I'm new.I like to play Autumn War.I got some suggestions for Autumn War 2:You can add tanks to the zombies,zombie tank!And you can let the soldiers to punch and kick zombies.

P.S.About the zombie tanks,take it as a joke.

Zombies do have the xenos on their side, and they take ALOT of pain, and can take out vehicles. Think El Gigante from RE4 mixed with a wolf or bear or boar or whatever.

You can also let the zombies nosebleed when they got punched in the nose.

Then you get bonus mission where you drive em to the hospital.

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