I make flash for you. Zombies are awesome.


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It's good to know that you haven't died again.

I agree.

Cool, but I didn't fully understand your post.

Maybe try reading it again?

woot i thought i was the only person who played mass efect!

Mass effect is soo sweet... if only you could skip the cutscenes...

nice that original autumn war looks better than than the actual AW1

Yep. It was going to be sweet, but without someone who has a computer programming degree, doing a game like that is nearly impossible; even with my talents.

nice little video and it looks awesome though its a nice thought that your alive and well

Yep, im just jazzed to be alive.

Wow that looks really good, maybe you should make a seperate game, maybe just a mini game, but still make a game that is like what is going on in the trailer.

I might take the engine and make one of those zombie onslaught games for a bit of cash. The original just put your squad in the middle of a zombie infested town, and you had to get out by any means (sneaking, fighting, driving, running), but tile based engines are VERY arcane to me still. Damn arrays.

Sorry for double post but is there going to be cut scenes in AW2? Cuz the knife fight scenes are awesome I likes it :) (>-.-)> kirby lol

I dont think there will be and FMV like in the trailer, but im aiming to make the knife and the pistol to two coolest weapons in the game (both have melee animations). The pistol can still be used, even if a zombie has grabbed you, which will make for some very dramatic battles.

question: So was what we just saw was a prototype of the first autumn war?
: Why didn't you put this version online?

The basic programming was done, but AI tactics, Line of sight, clipping with large vehicles, etc were just too complicated for me to program alone. I'm a designer first, an artist second, a programmer third; so I have to rely a lot on open source files to get my games done.

like when your hero is performing a melee attack then the knife scene appears and that prototype autumn war should be a least a mini game but I think it could be AUTUMN WAR 3!!!! at best

I might put that in AW3, but that will involve reanimating EVERYTHING from an above perspective. So if I can get a team together or something...

hey that was`what i tried to say! sammyfun

no it's LIKE your idea but it's not really here was all you said:

nice little video and it looks awesome though its a nice thought that your alive and well

question: So was what we just saw was a prototype of the first autumn war?
: Why didn't you put this version online?

hey that was`what i tried to say! sammyfun

at least add the knife scene please or at least some thing to the affect of it

I have watched the leon VS krauser knife fight from RE:4 about 20 times. I assure you there will be a knife fight scene at some point in AW2.

If only HUNK used a knife... that would be TOO awesome.

sorry but Oreo you don't have to reanimating EVERYTHING from an above perspective you can just make it fit the story like:

victory was short lived the zombie menace in raged by what you have done set aside everything to hunt you down killing tons of people along the way unbeknown to you soon would be fighting for your life.

I might do something like that after the first chapter is done. Action games like that are quite fun to make, programming aside.

wait no here's what it could be:

victory was short lived the zombie menace in raged by what you have done set aside everything to hunt you down killing tons of people along the way unbeknown to you soon would be fighting for your life against the zombies as they mercilessly devour those you've once loved but now turn against you and to those how you also fought against raiders, military, church, and the nameless organization that you wrote about some where.

P.S is what you said before still true and super weapons also what are the weapons you can use in the game

In AW2 you will be able to control them, but for most of the chapters, they will be bosses.

Nextgens- stealth battle fortress (like a giant harrier kinda. you'll know it when you see it. can deploy troops and vehicles), military assets.
Military- artillery, mech, heavy battle tanks
Church- witch hunter, every populated town has at least one church
Raiders- dreadnought (battle bus)
Zombies- witch, greater xeno (giant demon thing. again, you'll know it when you see it).

Progrees report for Atumn War 2 please. (!)

I have been spending the last few days expanding the HUD so that you can have more options regarding special manuvers (cover fire, tactical advance/retreat, rodie run, etc). Im also doing up another independent game to get a bit of cash together, but its a small game.

I remember from Autumn war that when i had 5 pistol guys charging against 5 zombies guess what the entire squad died ! Can you make it so that their melee is more consistent

It depends... consripts are not consistent; some will run, some will surrender, some will fight. Solders and the like will always win in melee unless outnumbered.

still what about super weapons remember and is what you said before still true what are the weapons in the game

umm... could you type that again with a bit of punctuation/grammar? thanks.

yeah about that part about being out numbered ... well you said in the previous autumn war "soldiers pack a punch and can take up to 3 but will run if fighting any more" well that is partially true they can take on the 3 zombies and win if there is an even amount of space between each zombie melee but they still died

To be honest, in AW1 i knew VERY little programming. The melee was little more a coin toss. They would auto-retreat if it was more then 3-to-1, which is what i ment.

When do you forsee this game released? Oh and did you add grenades?

release date is TBA... grenades will be goin in if i get room to room in, which i think will be goin in.

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