I make flash for you. Zombies are awesome.


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Posted by Oreo47 - May 7th, 2008

Okay, first off, I apologize for being AFK for however long that was. I do have a VERY good excuse, however:

I bought an Xbox 360.

Now that thats outta the way...

/* */
I know the resolution is low and its kind of jerky, but please keep in mind that my comp is like 1.5 ghz and < 1Gb of ram... and a slow ass dial up connection is the cherry on the shit sundae that is my work lab. Oh, and I bought the wrong kind of ram (there different kind now? durr...), and thats just a cold slap in the junk. Anyways, I'm going to do a higher resolution trailer when my comp can handle it.

I have decided to release a few small campaign versions of autumn war 2 before releasing the full game. That way you have something to play, and I can focus on making the different factions unique.

Anywho, now that my gamerscore is over 4000, i feel refreshed enough to dive back in to the shit storm that is the autumn war source file. I really don't want to go back in there :(

Oh, and I'm going to read all the comments made since my disappearance... Right after some COD4... Ohh yeeeaaa.


Looks awesome. I hope you've fixed the bugs from Autumn War 1, though.

Oh, i got them all fixed. Most of the bugs in AW1 were mostly because I was still learning the basics of actionscript. Im like a lvl 30 actionscript guru now, so bugs and critters are easy to deal with.


Seriously, that took forever. Everybody thought you had died. Trailer looks awesome though.


Yep, its all right.

Looks nice.
-customized squads
-player-made maps
-play as zombieeee!

customized squads - Yep, number of troops, what kind, and what weapons.
player made maps - Ehh... maybe AW3
play as zombieee! - I cant get in to this one... spoilers and such...
shops - Buy, sell, trade, rent... the shops do it all.

i wonder how long that spammer took doing that, lol

Yea, you think NG would have a filter for that kind of stuff. In all fairness, I did have that coming.

Probably didn't take him to long to do. But, judging by his intelligence, it probably took at least an hour to think of.

He's probably still chuckling about it, too.

Looks awesome as hell, If you don't mind suggestions for makign factions unique? If theres zombies still you should have kind of a doom sayer faction where they were preparing for the zombie uprising since so and so time and that way... :P they have like super zombie slaying weapons but are weak against human fighters *from the way it looks it seems you have human vs human fights as well.

Yea, the church is kinda like that. They basically recruit conscripts and give them melee training. Military squads are 5 men, where a church squad is 30. They can hold their ground against huge groups of zombies, but are quickly cut down by small arms fire.

AWESOME from what i saw from the trailer it already looks like many people will give it a 10

by the way what is your gamertag mine is BOEmen

Im not on live yet (I'm on dial-up till i get more $), but when i do, which will be soon, I'll be oreo47 if it's not taken. What live games are popular right now?

Finally, I suggest you take your xbox and throw it out the window and finish this damn game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been waiting a year for that last 10% of the game to be finished so get it done man!!! Your lucky I still visit your profile. >:D

I know. You're too good to me.

Yeah, as the other dude had said, customized squads.
Like, you build your own squads and decide what to put in it.
Judging by the shop thingy, I'm guessing there is a money system?
Anyway, can't think of anymore atm but I believe this game will pwn.
I never say words like that. So tis a compliment to you.

(Cuz I'm not a comp geek?)

Each town will have a few shops, each one represents a faction. Each faction produces something, and requires something. So you can sell gasoline to the army (only faction that uses tanks) for lots, and buy guns and ammo from them for cheap, and vice versa for Rebels. You can say, trade X gallons of gas to the army for X number of guns, or just take gold. Depending on what factions you piss off, you will have to pay blackmarket prices on certain things.
Attacking factions can also impact the 'economy'. If you drive the military out of an area, gas will become much cheaper and abundant, but guns become more expensive. Getting rid of raiders lowers the price of guns and ammo, etc.

wow sounds really awesome

Sounds pretty cool. Any idea of when it's going to be released?

I wish i could say...

Well there's only 10% left to finish no? You did mention that about a year ago. Is there going to be newer weapons in Autumn War 2?

That was back when I was still using the autumn war 1 engine, there is still awhile before AW2 is out, but there will be the smaller campaignes out before that. Oh, and there will be some new weapons. Look to my older posts for more info.

oh, can you please add a save and load or password thingy?
Cuz it gets annoying having to restart it all

S&L 4 U

I would prefer it if you didn't release campaigns before AW2, and you just released them all together. That way you don't end up with a bunch of submissions that get low votes because they're considered demos. Also, if you release a bunch of AW2 demo campaigns, it would sort of be like taunting us, y'know.
"Hey look how awesome my game is going to be too bad it's not out yet hahaha you suck"

Yea, AW2 will make the campaigns pale, but making games isn't free. The campaigns will help pay for things like souvlaki and energy drink, which give me the strength and courage to press on. Each campaign will have 2 endings and 10 missions, So that way each faction gets equal attention.
Im also thinking of giving the player a progressive character[s], so you can use the same character across the campaigns, which would be sweet.

S&L 4 ME!
kthnk hai


Awesome man, Awesome. I'd love to have a go at one of the campaigns before the real release cause by the sounds of it its gona take ages. Also could you upload some pics of the other factions all we have seen so far is the military and the zombies.

Yep, Im going to be putting up some raider pics in the next few days. They rely on Swarms of techicals (truck with gun mounted) and infantry (squads of up to 30 that spray and pray with small arms fire).

This game sounds like it's going to be sweet! Oh and I have some suggestions:
1. Add grenades to the squads so that when the zombies are very close you can order one person in your team to throw his grenade. Or make grenadiers, soldiers who just use grenades. 2. Add some cooler knives for melee fighting, different types of knives etc. 3. bear traps, mines, and other cool things which we could lay on the ground then order our squad to go back and wait for the zombies to arrive and boom. That's all I've got.

I might add grenades, but thats low on the list of shit to do. Raiders and other mob units will use assorted melee weapons; axes, machetes, spears, shields, etc.
I am planning on putting in land minds/claymores; bear traps are a maybe. A very awesome maybe...

I'm torn. On one hand, I want to strangle you. But if I strangle you, you won't finish Autumn War 2. Strangling you. Autumn War 2. Strangling you... Autumn War 2...

Alright, seriously though, it's good to see you back, and blah blah blah, it's your right to take as much time as you want because no one's paying you for this, and blah blah blah and thank you so much for continuing working on this game and blah blah blah if you disappear again, I'll hunt you down like a rabid animal.

<3! Just kidding! (Or am I? Dun dun dun... Yes, yes, I am.)

You should also add some gattling guns. I forgot to mention this before. Maybe a mortar team. how about also some female soldiers. think about it.

Im working on adding two-person teams (machine guns, mortars, rockets, sniper-spotter, etc), The game doesn't really need them, but when one is injured, the other one will shoulder/carry/drag them, side arm blazing. I'm trying to get the battles to look and feel like an epic war movie, and every epic war movie has the wounded solder thing. EVERY epic war movie.

Female soldiers are already in the game. You can see one or two in the trailer. Or maybe the men just look really effeminate. I don't know, but they sure look like girls.

The ladies are in there, and your character can be male or female. I think if you go back a few posts, you can see some in the background. I think.

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