I make flash for you. Zombies are awesome.


lookin for work

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Oreo47's News

Posted by Oreo47 - August 1st, 2008

I'm still working on it, don't worry. Now, I hate to say it, but it will be finished when it's finished, and not a moment before. Second, spam slows me down, for reasons too complicated for explanation... So to address this here are the rules:

1) If your last post was under a line long, please wait till I post something or reply before posting more stuff.

2) If your idea is TOO awesome to wait for the aforementioned conditions, it is acceptable to EDIT YOUR LAST POST. Just click 'edit', and put in the new idea.

3) The above rules are mute if someone has made a comment about your mother and/or her genitals.

Well, i gotta get back to it, this will be my last post for a week or so, hence the plethora of pictures. I'll still reply to stuff, though. Just got post fatigue. You know.

Well, i gotta get back to it, this will be my last post for atleast a week or so, hence the plethora of pictures. I'll still reply to stuff, though. Just got post fatigue. You know.

Autumn War 2 ScreenShots

Posted by Oreo47 - July 25th, 2008

Okay, no tan lines, but when I hear 'tan lines', I usually say 'go on...', and that is what i'm goin for. Anywho, as you can see, I have re-sampled the treeline in the background, to add depth and junk. There is also a pic of the strategy map, which is where you will be giving orders and stuff. You can play the entire game from the strategy screen if you want (great for speeding up slower engagments). And you can fast forward, as the map is upto 30x30 kms, and infantry only march like 5 km/hr. You can see where helicopters and artillery will come in REAL handy...

Tan lines and Tree Lines

Posted by Oreo47 - July 17th, 2008

Heyhey, I just spent the last week or so fixing a REALLY annoying little bug that would only let each squad attach one vehicle... there are still a few kinks to work out in that area, but its coming together. I'm also going to be re-sampling all the vehicles. It's going to take a few days, but it will let the game run better on older computers.

Anywho, with the bug outta the way, i spent some time seeing how much firepower i could fit into a squad. I have also been working on the night-vision filter... making it look cool without slowing down the frame rate is a VERY delicate process...

oh, and i'm aware that there is grass on the road in the screenshot. That problemo has been fixed.

Big Guns and Night Vision

Posted by Oreo47 - June 27th, 2008

Hi, im mass effect right now, but to show you I am not dead, here is a trailer from the original autumn war (not AW1), before I switched to the pseudo-3D engine that we all have come to admire and love. Im NOT going to be adding the overhead view thats seen in the trailer... that would be over a year of art and programming (im lazy).

I know it says AW2 at the start, but its all

/* */
a LIE!

Posted by Oreo47 - June 11th, 2008

Im about to head out to the lake for a few hours, so I thought i would put up some pics so you dont hang yourselves or anything. I have been too busy adding foliage to the forest areas to do up that little squad on squad battle that I promised earlier, but don't worry, that's still on it's way.
The new unit in the screenshot is a next gen enforcer; they have VERY good body armor, above average accuracy, and MIGHT be able to use heavy weapons (machine guns and such) without a supporting loader; Im still on the fence about SAWs for the first campaign.

Notice how much better the forests look? You will need at least 2ghz to have the graphics that high, but it's a real treat.

I'll read all your stuff from my last post when I get back.

OMFG 3 PICS *spooge*

Posted by Oreo47 - June 1st, 2008

Sorry bout the afk, but the snow finally melted enough to get out to the lake, where I have been fishing and mastering the way of the 'dragon fist' for the last few days.

Anywho, I did make some progress with AW. I have added a bunch of bitmap foliage to give the open fields and forests a bit more personality. I got the Idea from COD4, and it looks fucking sweet.

The character in the screenshot is a ghost-type next gen soldier. There are 5 different types of nextgen, who are a VERY secretive division of the army, and, depending on the situation, will be hostile to regular military. The NextGens are who will be enforcing the quarantine in the first chapter (campaign, whatever).

I gots to get out, as the sun is shining fierce. I'm going to do up a quick little movie showing a skirmish between two squads soonish, as that way I wont have edit a bunch of footage, unlike trailers.

oh, and here's a quick movie of me getting warmed up for Ninja Gaiden 2.

/* */

Ninjas, grass, and nunchucks

Posted by Oreo47 - May 7th, 2008

Okay, first off, I apologize for being AFK for however long that was. I do have a VERY good excuse, however:

I bought an Xbox 360.

Now that thats outta the way...

/* */
I know the resolution is low and its kind of jerky, but please keep in mind that my comp is like 1.5 ghz and < 1Gb of ram... and a slow ass dial up connection is the cherry on the shit sundae that is my work lab. Oh, and I bought the wrong kind of ram (there different kind now? durr...), and thats just a cold slap in the junk. Anyways, I'm going to do a higher resolution trailer when my comp can handle it.

I have decided to release a few small campaign versions of autumn war 2 before releasing the full game. That way you have something to play, and I can focus on making the different factions unique.

Anywho, now that my gamerscore is over 4000, i feel refreshed enough to dive back in to the shit storm that is the autumn war source file. I really don't want to go back in there :(

Oh, and I'm going to read all the comments made since my disappearance... Right after some COD4... Ohh yeeeaaa.

Posted by Oreo47 - January 23rd, 2008

Hey. Autumn War 2 is still in production, but I have been away from my main computer for a month now, so i have been working on a smaller project on my laptop to finance a MUCH needed RAM upgrade for my main computer. Trying to make AW2 with only 256mb ram has been slow and inefficient to say the least...

Anywho, the new game is called 'WISP', and in it you navigate a maze of endless darkness :D

Check it out under my latest submissions, yo.

I just released a game. SUPRISE.

Posted by Oreo47 - January 16th, 2008

Just putting this one up real quick g2g Kthx bai

Splatter cam

Posted by Oreo47 - January 10th, 2008

Nother screenshot comin at ya. There are 3 types of helicopter:

Battle: holds 10 infantry (2 squads), has one machine gun, and can have the infantry rappel directly in to cover (handy when infiltrating). Also has good armor

Support: Holds 20 infantry, 3 light vehcles, and has one machine gun, but is really slow and has poor armor

Assault: Has 2 machine guns, and fires anti tank rockets. No transport ability.

Helicopters dont have the armor that tanks have, but allow you to rapidly insert and support airborne infantry, and get them out before the enemy heavy tanks arrive.